I am a wildlife infectious disease veterinarian working at the intersections of disease ecology, anthropology, and genomics. I integrate quantitative and qualitative methods to understand the ecological and socio-cultural context of pathogen spillover.
I am the Co-Principal Investigator of the Konashen Ecosystem Health Project. This project is a collaboration with the Waiwai, an Indigenous Amazonian community who owns and manages the Konashen Amerindian Protected Area (KAPA) in Guyana, South America. Through this long-term partnership, we co-construct research questions focusing on zoonotic disease, wild meat and food security, sustainable resource use, and vector-borne disease.
Currently, I am a Postdoctoral Associate at the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine with Drs. Tiffany Wolf and Peter Larsen. Informed by my work in Guyana studying hunter harvested wildlife, I am also leading several projects within the Minnesota Center for Prion Research and Outreach to better understand the risk of Chronic Wasting Disease transmission through the hunting, butchery, processing, and consumption of wild deer.